Can Hotels Charge for Service Dogs?

Service dogs are specially trained to perform tasks that assist individuals with disabilities. These tasks can include guiding individuals with visual impairments, alerting individuals with hearing impairments to sounds, providing stability and support for individuals with mobility impairments, and even alerting to medical emergencies such as seizures.


Legal Rights of Service Dogs and Their Owners

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Fair Housing Act (FHA), individuals with disabilities have specific rights regarding the use of service animals. The ADA mandates that businesses, including hotels, must allow service animals to accompany individuals with disabilities in all areas where the public is typically allowed. Similarly, the FHA requires landlords and housing providers, including hotels and motels, to make reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities, which includes allowing service animals in no-pet housing.

Can Hotels Charge for Service Dogs?

While hotels cannot legally charge additional fees for accommodating service dogs under the ADA and FHA, some establishments may still attempt to do so. It\’s essential for individuals with service dogs to understand their rights and advocate for themselves when faced with such situations.

Understanding Hotel Policies

It\’s crucial to review a hotel\’s pet policy before booking a stay, especially when traveling with a service dog. While most hotels are aware of the laws regarding service animals and do not charge additional fees, some may have outdated policies or misinformation.

Factors Influencing Hotel Charges

In rare cases, hotels may attempt to charge fees for service dogs due to misunderstandings or concerns about damages or cleaning expenses. However, under the ADA and FHA, hotels cannot impose such fees, as service dogs are not considered pets.

Common Misconceptions About Service Dogs and Hotel Fees

There are several misconceptions surrounding service dogs and hotel fees, including beliefs that hotels can charge cleaning or pet fees for accommodating service animals. It\’s essential to debunk these myths and educate both hotel staff and the public about the rights of individuals with service animals.

Steps to Take If a Hotel Tries to Charge for a Service Dog

If faced with a situation where a hotel attempts to charge fees for a service dog, there are several steps individuals can take to assert their rights and resolve the issue.

Know Your Rights

Familiarize yourself with the ADA and FHA regulations regarding service animals and be prepared to advocate for yourself if necessary.

Communicate Effectively

Clearly communicate with hotel staff about the laws regarding service animals and explain your rights as a person with a disability. Provide documentation if requested, such as a doctor\’s note confirming the need for a service dog.

Seek Legal Advice If Necessary

If a hotel persists in attempting to charge fees for a service dog despite being informed of the law, consider seeking legal advice or contacting disability rights organizations for assistance.


Alternatives for Accommodation If Faced With Discrimination

In instances where a hotel refuses to comply with ADA or FHA regulations regarding service animals, individuals may need to seek alternative accommodation options that respect their rights and accommodate their service animals without discrimination.

The Importance of Educating Hotel Staff About Service Dog Rights

To prevent future incidents of discrimination or misunderstanding, it\’s crucial for hotels to educate their staff about the rights of individuals with service animals. Proper training can ensure that all guests are treated respectfully and in compliance with the law.


Service dogs play a vital role in the lives of individuals with disabilities, providing essential assistance and companionship. While hotels cannot legally charge fees for accommodating service animals, misunderstandings and misconceptions may still arise. By understanding their rights and advocating for themselves, individuals with service dogs can ensure equal access to accommodation without discrimination.


  1. Can hotels legally charge fees for accommodating service dogs?
    • No, under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Fair Housing Act (FHA), hotels cannot charge additional fees for service animals.
  2. What should I do if a hotel tries to charge me for my service dog?
    • Assert your rights under the ADA and FHA, communicate with hotel staff about the laws regarding service animals, and seek legal advice if necessary.
  3. Are there any exceptions to the rule that hotels cannot charge fees for service dogs?
    • In rare cases, hotels may attempt to charge fees due to misunderstandings or concerns about damages, but such charges are not legally permissible.
  4. Can hotels refuse to accommodate service dogs?
    • No, hotels must allow service dogs to accompany individuals with disabilities in all areas where the public is typically allowed, as mandated by the ADA.
  5. What should I do if I encounter discrimination while traveling with my service dog?
    • Document the incident, report it to the appropriate authorities or disability rights organizations, and seek alternative accommodation if necessary.

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